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Projects -- Time series analysis workshop

In case you missed it, you can catch the video from the event here…

For the project analyzing Seattle Collision Data, the Projects Circle organized a workshop on time series analysis on July 1, 2020,, led by Victoria Martin.

We are excited to launch a data science project analyzing Seattle traffic collision data to help prioritize road improvements and prevent future collisions. This is an opportunity to work through a project with real world data from beginning to end in a small team with experienced data scientists. To help people with the project we have prepare two workshops that can be take independent of participation in the project.

In this workshop Seattle traffic collision data from years 2004 - present will be mined to glean information into predicting future collisions and making recommendations useful for improving intersection safety. Attendees will leave the workshop having seen a demonstration around extracting feature importance, utilizing temporal features in time series data, and building both classification and regression models.

For up to the minute info about this event, please RSVP on our Meetup page.