What is Data Circles?

Data Circles is a community that supports the pursuit and cultivation of knowledge about data science, and promotes the role of women in leading the field. We work to foster an inclusive, supportive environment to exchange knowledge and share experiences. We provide a platform for women and gender minorities to lead technical talks, workshops, and other events. Our activities are open to all genders and experience levels.

How do I find out when new events occur?

All our events are listed on our website, here. These links can be shared through social media if you’d like to invite some friends. You can also find up-to-the-minute information for all of our events at Meetup.com.

Do I need to be a member to attend these events?

You do not need to be a member to attend our events, but we encourage you to be! When you fill out our Join Us form, you provide us with information that helps us to serve you better, allowing us to plan and provide events that you are seeking and/or to direct you to them. It also helps by giving us a clearer picture of the needs of our community which in turn we can communicate to our sponsors. So by all means, come to some events, kick the tires and see if it’s for you. If you benefited from them, please join this great group of people growing in data together!

How do I become a member? Is there a fee?

There is no fee for membership! We are fortunate to have many sponsors that share our mission! To become a member, fill out our Join us form here . From there, you will be directed to Slack where you can connect with Data Circles members on a daily basis on a number of different data science related topics, projects and events. You will also have access to our interview prep channel as well as job postings. Be sure to connect to our group on Meetup.com to get up to the minute updates on all our events here.